Vetting of Disclosure

Once the electronic disclosures have been submitted, the information is processed by numerous analytical software packages and compared against multiple publicly available datasets, managed by specialists within the Forensic and Technology Solutions Department, to identify red flags such as:

  • employees and / or board members within the organization have failed to disclose certain information.
  • employees and / or Board members that are reflected as a director / member of a company or close corporation that is directly engaging in economic transactions with the organization.
  • employees and / or Board members that share a common business interest with a related director / member of a company or Close Corporation that may be engaging in economic transactions with the organization.
  • spouse, common law partner or immediate family member may be engaging in economic transactions with the organization.

These analytical searches are performed across many datasets filtering through key criteria such as address information, telephone numbers, names and surnames, bank account numbers, etc to identify common information.